comm. arch.

comm. arch. RESERVE

“comm. arch. RESERVE” is another special line of comm. arch., which is made by the greatest hand frame knitter in Japan.
I have been visiting a lot of knitwear manufacturers and craftsmen across Japan, however, this hand frame knitter’s mind and attitude as a craftsman was totally different to others.
His father started the knitwear atelier, so he has been involved in business since a child.
When I met him for the first time, my pride as a knitwear designer was brushed aside by his magnificent experience, passion and knowledge as a knitter.
His work is full of specifications with meaningful functions even on tiny parts and edges without any compromises. I was totally astonished.
He denies showing his face or even his name in public but concentrate on only knitting during his whole life.
I finally asked him to make knitwear for comm. arch. RESERVE and all its items contain his history.

comm. arch. RESERVEは、comm. arch. とは別に、ひとりの手横編み機(人力で編むニットマシン)職人により製作される特別ラインです。
自身の顔や名前を出すことを一切拒否し、ニットウェア製作に人生を捧げるこの職人に製作して頂いたニットウェアは、comm. arch.にも、私の人生にもとても大きな影響を与えました。
comm. arch. RESERVEはその職人に敬意を込めた、貴重なニットウェアラインです。