

Linen Cotton C/D

20SS comm. arch. Women’s より、LINEN COTTON C/Dのご紹介です。


This is the introduction of LINEN COTTON C/D from 20SS comm. arch. Women’s.

comm. arch. Womens の定番素材である、フレンチリネンに、綿を25%混ぜることで、美しい光沢感や繊細さはそのまま、しかし強度が増し、よりケアをしやすくしました。機械で編む際には、繊細さ故に表面に傷が生じやすいため、通常よりもゆっくり、しっかり編んで頂いています。


The material is French linen, which we repeatedly and mixed cotton in 25%. Therefore, its beautiful luster of French linen remains but added some strength by the cotton which means you can care for the item quite easily. When the knitting machine knits, the knitting carriage moved much slower than usual not to damage the surface then knit tightly.



This cardigan has not got buttons and even a placket, so its front looks very simple and clean.

This is high gauge knitwear but has some toughness of linen and strength of cotton, so it is endurable for heavy use. It is washed at the knitting factory before being dispatch so you can wash it by hand at home.

色は3色展開、CREAM(オフホワイト)、LT. CLOUDS(ライトグレー)、DEEP OCEAN(ネイビー)、フリーサイズです。



3 colours are available, CREAM, LT. CLOUDS and DEEP OCEAN, its size is free.

Please try them on at our stockists!