Organic Cotton Chino
20SS comm. arch. Men’s から、ORGANIC COTTON CHINO のご紹介です。
This is the introduction of ORGANIC COTTON CHINO from 20SS comm. arch. Men’s.
The fabric is made from the organic cotton and woven on the old and narrow loom.
It was woven very slowly so it contains more air and softness in it.
comm. arch. 得意の「ガッシリ」でも「上品」に仕上がっているかと思います。
Besides that, it was lightly brushed so you will feel very soft and smooth on the surface.
The fabric is quite stiff but very elegant is something we are good at.
There is an adjustor on the both side as well as belt loops.
You might think only one will be needed adjustors or loops but putting both on, they make the item completed. Therefore, this is our regular trousers’ style.
The bottom is doubled.
This is the reason why these pair of trousers look elegant rather than casual.
Its silhouette is not too fab, not too skinny, the best for daily use.
It is slightly tapered towers the bottom.
色は、MUD CLAY(グレー)、GOLDEN FOX(ブラウン)、BLACKOUT(ブラック)の3色展開です。(BLACKOUTの商品が手元に無くなってしまったので写真が撮れませんでした、、、)
3 colours are available, MUD CLAY, GOLDEN FOX and BLACKOUT.
(BLACKOUT is sold our so we could not take photos of the colour.)