

To survive and defeat COVID-19

世界的に長引く新型コロナウィルスの影響により、都市部を中心に comm. arch. のお取扱店にも大きな影響が出ており、日々心を痛めております。





皆さまに、「やっぱり comm. arch. だよね」と言って頂くことを想像し、わたしもひとりで前進しております。





Because of COVID-19 spread around the world, it has been affected very badly on our stokists mainly based in big cities. We have been very sorry about them.


There is always bright sunshine behind the clouds


We just believe the saying and started getting ready for 21SS collection with dying yarns of spring knitwear. We only imagine that our buyers and customers say “This is exactly what we wanted to see after the disaster.” and keep going.


We still cannot see what is going to happen next so please, please take care of yourself and hopefully we will take to each other like “We had a very hard time but learnt something important.” in very near future.